Medical Terminology

Certificate Code: MED 101

Medical Terminology

Title: Medical Terminology

Duration: 50 Clock Hours / 2 months

Description: Written specifically for short medical terminology courses in a variety of educational settings or for self-guided study, Medical Terminology Made Easy, is a self-paced learning approach designed to ease you into the language of medicine that separates the layperson from the professional. The programmed-learning format requires active participation through reading, writing, answering questions, labeling, repetition, and providing immediate feedback. This format will help you to correctly decipher new terms by identifying and then practicing different word parts.

Professional profiles provide information about possible career paths
. Review activities reinforce terms learned within the frames. Word parts are reinforced throughout each chapter.


• Completion of required reading assignments and final exam

• A passing grade of 70% or higher on the final examination


  • High School Diploma
  • Fluent in the English language
Course Code Course Title Duration Method of Delivery
MED 101 Medical Terminology 50 clock hours Online

Title: Quick Medical Terminology, 5th Edition

Author: Steiner

Make learning medical terminology faster and more fun with Quick Medical Terminology, 5th Edition! This book helps you begin reading, writing, and speaking medical terms in the shortest time possible. Small chunks of information are always followed immediately by exercises, so students will be learning “every minute!” Written in a clear, conversational style by Steiner, this book gives you the tools to communicate effectively in the health care environment.This textbook is used with course MED 101 found under certificate courses.

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