CCM100 - Certificate of Channeling and Mediumship

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Course Description

Develop the skills of Channeling and Mediumship. The skills of channeling are teachable and open up new possibilities for accessing valuable insight from the Divine in its many forms. Channeling allows you to tune into energies in other dimensions and to bring them into a form that can be understood and interpreted to improve your life. You may channel for yourself or others. As a Medium you step aside and allow loving beings to use your voice or hands to channel frequencies from alternate dimensions. As a Channel you may bring energy through you for personal growth, healing, and spiritual connection. In this series of classes you will identify your personal gifts and talents in connecting to Spirit, learn to sense, read and channel energy on four levels (Physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual), learn simple steps to connect with beings in other dimensions to access their wisdom and discover new ways to interpret and utilize channeled energy. Develop a natural ability to be a channel for beings who are loving and want to share their light. Learn simple steps to connect with beings in other dimensions to bring their wisdom to yourself or others.

Evelyne Bernhardt has been a channel since childhood easily able to sense and understand messages from beyond the Earth plane. She gained a healthy respect for the power and grace available in tuning into and listening to beings in multiple dimensions. Evelyne channels a powerful group of Spirits that she calls Madamme Roxolanna. She learned to notice everything in nature and around her in her life as messages from other worlds and to appreciate the help from Spirit. Evelyne will work with you and help you to understand and assess your natural abilities and help train you to expand your channeling abilities and skills. By the end of the six month program you will have the tools to channel for personal use as well as for others.

Develop your Channeling and Spiritual Connection 6 Days of Online Seminars, Lectures, Workshops and Virtual, In-Person Lessons. Personal Coaching is also available throughout the program.


  • Completion of Online Seminars, Participation In Virtual Coaching Sessions and Practice with Case Studies.


  • High School Diploma
  • Fluent in the English language
  • Acceptance into the program is based on your personal interview with Evelyne Bernhardt, or Janet Amare the instructors, and answers to a short questionnaire. Book your appointment today.

Course Details:

CCM 101 Spiritual Principles of Healing

The fundamentals of setting intentions, setting up protection, connecting to spiritual guides and aids, understanding how spiritual healing.

CCM 102 Channeling Energy and Insight

The basics of channeling qi through your body and insight and guidance through your mind. This module provides the basis for the program and will focus on how to connect to your Divine; Creating Sacred Space; guidelines for Grounding as well as Protecting yourself and others.

CCM 103 Mediumship Principles, Tools, and Techniques

You will be given tools and practice in how to open to attract Spiritual Energies, Mediumship will be explained; you will learn to recognize individual and Group Souls who speak through us.

CCM 104 Channeling from Nature

This is an interactive / experiential modulewhere you will connect with Crystals, Animals, Plants and Devas to learn to download specific messages.

CCM 105 Channeling from People

Through teaching and in-class practice you will learn the tools of How to Tune-in to a Person; Assess Time and Space; as well as learn the fine art of Giving Feedback.

CCM 106 Practical Experience as a Channel

This weekend will bring together the skills and tools taught in the previous modules. Here we will focus on the Use of Channeling to guide Life Decisions; Channeling to guide Business Decisions; Channeling to guide Relationships as well as Channeling for Children. We can do this for ourselves or others and the use of discernment in the feedback of the channeled insight.


CERTIFICATE PROGRAM (84 clock hours)

  • If paid in full: Completed over 6 months – $2245 ($340 per MODULE + $205 DEPOSIT) A savings of $145 over paying monthly.

    Deposit: $205 (For Orientation and Set Up for Website Access)

  • Pay-as-you-Go each module – $360 / module + $230 Deposit = $2390 Total

    (Paid in full at the start of the module)

  • If paid in advance only specific modules – $ 380 / module

    Deposit: $ 230


Course can be started at any time with mutual agreement from your teacher. T-2202 Tax Receipt will be issued to Canadian residents.