DCE100 - Diploma in Conscious Education

Maria Gonyea
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Course Description

Accepting children for who they are, without placing any unreasonable expectations, is part of educating spirited children on a new level. In this program, you will learn ways of how to embrace, empower and accept children the way they are. Parents, teachers and adult caregivers will learn ways in which we can communicate with children and teach them how to be accountable for their actions, and how to be independent and self regulate.

Enrollees will discover ways in which conscious education differs from traditional ways of educating. You will also learn techniques and exercises that create mindfulness in children.

The online format is very unique to CIHS. The program consists of 10 Modules once a month from July to June. There will be an online exam and 2 essay writings required.

The successful graduate (attendance of 10 modules & assignments) will attain an electronic Diploma in Conscious Education and can use the accumulated hours for CEU’s. You will also receive a T2202 education tax receipt for monies paid.

Duration & 2023/24 Schedule

The time will be from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
They will be on Sunday mornings.
Jul 30/23, Aug 27/23, Sep 24/23, Oct 22/23, Nov 26/23, Dec 17/23
Jan 21/24, Feb 25/24, Mar 24/24, Apr 28/24, May 26/24, and Jun 23/24


  • Completion of required reading assignments, 2
    essays and a final exam
  • Minimum grade of 70% on final exam


  • High School Diploma or Adult Student status
  • Fluent in the English Language

Course Description

DCE101 – MODULE 1 – Conscious Education vs Traditional Education

Conscious definition vs traditional education. We will discuss methods of effectively communicating with children, and teaching children how to self regulate. Mindfulness practices will be taught that calm and centre children.

DCE102 – MODULE 2 – Love Yourself

This module will focus on teaching children/attendees how to love themselves, care for themselves and how to build healthy relationships.

DCE103 – MODULE 3 – Nutrition

Nutrition, the effects of foods and water on mental and emotional balance for ALL involved. Hypersensitvity, brain fog, sugar and de hydration affect focus, attention and energy levels.

DCE104 – MODULE 4 – Creative Energy

Creative Energy, flow and how to implement into the existing educational system. This will be a hands on experience using certain tools and materials to enhance the creative energy.

DCE105 – MODULE 5 – Emotional Regulation

You will be taught Chakra balancing through QiGong and breath work and meditation for relaxation and ego strengthening which in turn you can teach children.

DCE106 – MODULE 6 – Various Pedagogies

Various pedagogies will be highlighted and shown how to use particular concepts in the classroom and at home.

DCE107 – MODULE 7 – Emotional Intelligence

This will be a deeper continuation of Module 5. How children hone in on their insightful gifts and how adults can help children to feel their emotions such as hurt, anger, resentment and most importantly how to process those emotions in a balanced and healthy way. Techniques will taught to help a child to process the feelings before negative beliefs set in that will affect the rest of their lives.

DCE108 – MODULE 8 – Energy Children

Starseed, Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow & Energy Children—who are they? You will dis cover how these highly sensitive, intuitive children have challenges managing rigid, controlled environments. Coping mechanisms, selfexpression, awareness will be discussed and tools provided.

DCE109 – MODULE 9 – Creating Positive Energy

Creating Positive Energy in the Classroom/Home. Creating higher vibes from lower vibes will be discussed and exercises given.

DCE110 – MODULE 10 – Sacred Geometry

How to incorporate into daily life inside and outside of the classroom to help children focus, be happy and learn.

Payment (CAD$)

– Non refundable registration fee: $ 75.00
– 10 Modules paid in full $850.00
– Pay Module by module : $ 90.00
(to be paid in advance of attendance)

– To register for this program, click here!
– CIHS does not guarantee employment after graduation from any of its programs