RFX100 - Diploma in Reflexology

Reflexology harnesses the body's healing energy by stimulating specific pressure points on the hands and feet, alleviating the energy blocks ... Show more
  • Description

Diploma Description

Our Diploma in Reflexology course teaches students about the ancient therapy used in China, Egypt, and India. Reflexology provides effective, holistic treatment for both common and more serious disorders. According to the theory behind Reflexology, the hands and feet are microcosms of the body, containing points or zones that relate to individual glands, nerves, muscles, and organs.

Reflexology harnesses the body’s healing energy by stimulating specific pressure points on the hands and feet, alleviating the energy blocks that can cause pain or disability and restoring optimum health.

In The Reflexology Manual, which is used during the Diploma in Reflexology course, the practical text guides the reader in mastering these self-help techniques, and colour photographs illustrate a
full reflexology treatment step by step.

In addition to the completion of theory on-line, the student will also view the practical step by step instruction video.

After attaining The Diploma in Reflexology, the successful Graduate can then apply to the Canadian Examining Board of Healthcare Practitioners (CanadianExaminigBoard.com), to become a Certified Reflexology Health Practitioner CRHP.


  • Completion of required reading assignments and exams
  • Satisfactory completion of 20 case studies
  • Minimum of 70% on tests and final theory exam
  • Minimum of 70% on Practical Video submissiom


  • High School Diploma or Adult Student status
  • Fluent in the English Language

Associated Courses

Title Type Method of Delivery Price Link
RFX101 - Reflexology Theory Course Online $595
RFX102 - Reflexology Practicum Video Course Online $695
BIZ101 - Business Ethics Course Online INCLUDED
APP102 - CIHS Custom Introduction to the Human Body Course Online $595

Course Descriptions

RFX101 Reflexology Theory

The course introduces the basics and benefits of acupressure and reflexology, showing the student, step-by-step, how to nurture emotional and physical well being in those seeking help and relief through reflexology. Modules concentrate on how to target specific body parts in order to address select ailments and improve emotional as well as physical well being. The text book contains clear illustrations that show how body organs and functions are mirrored in reflex points. The photographs and drawings are easy to follow and precise. Features include healing routines and illustrations to guide the student through the entire course. The textbook “The Reflexology Manual” and
the companion Ebook will complement course material.

RFX102 Reflexology Practicum

In this course, the student will learn the practical aspects of Reflexology including relaxation techniques, caterpillar technique on the zones of the feet and how to take a health intake history of the client to aid in the treatment and recording of
the client session.

APP102 Basic Anatomy & Physiology

In this course, students will learn the basic knowledge of all anatomical and muscular/skeletal parts required in body care. They will also gain an understanding of disease and disorder relationships such as Human cell structure, General anatomical features, Skeleton and musculature, Digestive System, Respiratory System, Circulatory System, Blood, Lymphatic System, Nervous system, Sensory organs, Urinary system, Genital organs, Human Reproduction, Endocrine system and Immunological system.

BIZ101 Business Ethics

All professionals need to have an informed consent form outlining their capabilities to their clientele. The graduate of this course needs an understanding of their scope of practice and a code of ethics that govern their practice. This course teaches the legalities around these requirements. Each student will be
required to submit all 3 forms so that they understand their legal rights and obligations.


Title: Custom Introduction to the Human Body

Author: Tortora

In this, the human body—with all of its parts, organs, and functions—is shown in detailed, scientifically correct full-color illustrations. Fifteen separate sections examine both male and female bodies as follows: Human cell structure… General anatomical features … Skeleton and musculature … Digestive system … Respiratory system … Circulatory system … Blood … Lymphatic system … Nervous system … Sensory organs … Urinary system … Genital organs … Human reproduction … Endocrine system … Immunological system. Hundreds of illustrations make this book a handy home reference.


Title: The Reflexology Manual: An Easy-to-Use Illustrated Guide to the Hands and Feet

Author: Pauline Wills

Clear illustrations show how body organs and functions are mirrored in reflex points. The photographs and drawings are easy to follow and precise. Features include healing routines and illustrations to guide the student through the entire course. The course introduces the basics and benefits of acupressure and reflexology, showing the student, step-by-step, how to nurture emotional and physical well being in those seeking help and relief through reflexology. Modules concentrate on how to target specific body parts in order to address select ailments and improve emotional as well as physical well being. This book is also accompanied by an ebook from CIHS.


Reflexology Workbook

Title: Reflexology Companion Workbook

Author: CIHS

Type: Ebook

This companion ebook accompanies the textbook The Reflexology Manual: An Easy-to-Use Illustrated Guide to the Healing Zones of the Hands and Feet, and is included in the price of the Diploma program. It contains additional materials to help the reader understand the subject matter.

Included in Course Tuition



Title: Quick Medical Terminology, 5th Edition

Author: Steiner

Make learning medical terminology faster and more fun with Quick Medical Terminology, 5th Edition! This book helps you begin reading, writing, and speaking medical terms in the shortest time possible. Small chunks of information are always followed immediately by exercises, so students will be learning “every minute!” The many puzzles, activities, and games make it easier to understand and remember terminology. Written in a clear, conversational style by Steiner, this book gives you the tools to communicate effectively in the health care environment.This textbook is also used with course MED 101S bought separately, found under certificate courses.


Aromatherapy Theory

Title: Aromatherapy Theory

Author: Linda Henderson

This comprehensive 350 page ebook consists of materials and information collected over the 25 year history that the author has been in practice using Natural Medicine. Aromatherapy was the first of Linda’s many designations and she still uses essential oils today in her busy practice. The book contains the History of Essential Oils, Olfactory Process, the Limbic System, Absorption through the skin, The Lymphatic System, Methods of extraction, Essential Oil Production and Adulteration, Effective application, Safety Guidelines and Contra-Indications, Glossary of Therapeutic Action, Carrier/Base Oils, Varied Applications, Classification of Plants, Therapeutic Grade essential oils, Chemistry of essential oils, Chemical constituents of some commonly used essential oils, Essential Oil Monographs, Anise to Ylang Ylang, Common conditions aided by Aromatherapy, Compresses, Poultices, Pregnancy, Children/Babies, Fragrant way to Beauty, The Aromatherapy Massage, and finishes with the Aromatherapy Consultation.

This book is included in Course tuition