BFB201 - Biofeedback Continuing Education Series

  • Description

Course Description

The Biofeedback Continuing Education Series features twenty-three 1 1/2 hour PowerPoint presentations that take the student deeper into understanding the various panels and energetic components of the LIFE System. Students will grasp concepts of cause and effect, why and how to clear specific energy blocks effectively based on Good, Better and Best options. These presentations will also provide instruction on various Natural Health subjects in order to expand the therapist’s effectiveness in the application of their specific Biofeedback System.

Associated Courses

Title Type Method of Delivery Price Link
APP102 - CIHS Custom Introduction to the Human Body Course Online $595
BFB100 - Part 1 of Diploma in Biofeedback Diploma Online $595
BFB101 - Biofeedback 4 Month - 5 Module Course Online $595
BFB202 - Required Reading Assignments Course Online $150
BFB203 - 25 case studies plus Case Study with Dissertation Course Online $250
BFB200 - Part 2 of Diploma in Biofeedback Diploma Online $1,590
BFB300 - Complete Diploma in Biofeedback Diploma Online $1,995