RSD100 – Radical Self Defence
Prepare yourself for an in-depth and easy-to-understand study on the science behind Free Radicals (potentially harmful atoms and molecules inside your body), Oxidative Stress (damage caused by excessive free radical production), Antioxidants (substances that counteract oxidative stress), and Solutions used in natural medicine to help you Slow Aging, overcome Pain and Obesity, and Restore your health and energy. Dr. Speroni shares with you the most up-to-date data from numerous studies conducted in various fields of science and medicine. Also, he introduces the most advanced ant aging testing and monitoring technology, along with the only clinically-proven, synergistic herbal formulation that works to slow down your aging process, at the cellular level, to the rate of a healthy 20-year-old.
Choose one Elective from Group B – CEM100 – Introduction to Energy Medicine or BFB100 – Biofeedback
CEM100 – Introduction to Energy Medicine
The human body contains energy channels, known in Chinese healing as meridians, and in Sanskrit as chakras. These energy channels collect and transport energy throughout the body and internal and external energy fields. These energy channels can be used to sense disease and to promote wellness. Everyone has one or two levels of energy awareness. In this course, you will learn about your natural ability to sense, use and channel energy, to build your intuition, to heal all levels of energy in others and how to attract clients to your practice.
BFB100 – Biofeedback
The extensive manual created for Biofeedback students covers founding principles of healing, tips and suggestions for use with any biofeedback system and specific explanation for interpreting and utilizing the numbering using the LIFE system. It contains graphs, charts, intake forms and much more to help the biofeedback student understand the LIFE system to a greater depth.
This ebook is included in the course tuition price.
Choose one Elective from Group C – CGO100 – Gemmotherapy and Oligotherapy or DFM100 – Darkfield Microscopy
CGO100 – Gemmotherapy and Oligotherapy
This course is not about using gemstones for healing. The word gemmotherapy is derived from the Latin,”(bud), and Greek ”(medical treatment). Gemmotherapy is a modern medical intervention focusing on the cause of disease. Its remedies are a type of extremely potent herbal products manufactured principally from embryonic tissue of various trees and shrubs; but also from seeds, catkins, rootlets, and sap. This course covers scientifically-based, real medicine, and powerful therapeutic agents. It serves at the core of a college curriculum designed for medical doctors, naturopaths, and other healthcare professionals in mainstream and complementary and alternative medicines. The text is a fascinating, well-written book providing readers with valuable reference tables and data about how to confidently and effectively incorporate gemmotherapy into clinical or consultation-based practice.
DFM100 – Darkfield Microscopy
This course teaches analysis of live blood and dried blood using the Darkfield microscope, and the incorporation of that analysis into therapy treatment. Material presented covers the following topics: Legal aspects of using a microscope; Darkfield microscopy history; Detoxification –and why; Life cycle of symbiotic species; Fundamentals of Pleomorphism; Oxidative stress test; Life cycle of living colloids; Life cycle of Mucor Racemosus; Case studies and record keeping; Setting up and using a microscope. The course pack-age includes power point presentation printouts. The student will need a microscope to put this knowledge into practice.
36 Case Studies, 5000 word dissertation
Student will conduct 36 case studies in all. In Year two, 25 case studies will be required with the 25th requiring a 2500 word dissertation. In Year three student will conduct 10 case studies with last one requiring a 2000 word dissertation. In Year four the student will conduct one case study The final case study will be conducted using all modalities taken throughout the four years and a 5000 word dissertation will be required to explain results of the multiple client visits.